Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jan 8 2009 Gen 20-22, Luke 8

And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah. Genesis 20:2

The Bible tells us that Abraham was a great man of faith. In Hebrews 11, that great chapter of faith, Abraham is the star attraction. He is held up throughout scripture as an example of what it means to be a person of faith.

But, then we read this story from Genesis 20…Abraham leads his flocks into the southern part of Canaan into the realm of a man named Abimelech, the King of Gerar.

Now, apparently Kings of that day had developed a certain reputation: If a woman was attractive to them, the King would take them into their harem. And – if that woman happened to be married - she wouldn’t be married long. Her husband would die… and then she’d be taken into the King’s harem.
Abraham was aware of this tradition had no desire to allow that to happen. He had no problem with Sarah becoming a part of the King’s harem… he was just not in any hurry to die. So Abraham decides to lie about his relationship with his wife. He would let it be known that she was not his wife, but his sister.

Now, this wasn’t the first time this had happened to Abraham. A couple of years or so before this Abraham traveled down to Egypt because of a famine. He passed his wife off as his sister. The Pharaoh took Sarah into his harem. And God paid Pharaoh a visit and afflicted his household with disease.
So here we have it. What a great example of faith. Not once, but twice, Abraham is faced with a difficult decision and makes the same bad decision both times.
It seems to me that God uses even our failures…especially our failures…to grow and develop our faith.

Why in the world does God point to this guy as an example of faith? And if this is just a temporary lapse on Abraham’s part, why would God go out of His way to record this failure for all to read?

I believe there is something here that God wants me to see. Faith doesn’t just happen; faith is a journey. Faith is something we learn over a long period of time.
God teaches me faith by putting me in the midst of situations where I have to make difficult decisions; where I have to decide whether to trust Him or my own wisdom.

Here is my take-away from this story. If faith is a process and doesn’t just come over me instantaneously. Then the opposite must also be true. When I fail to act in faith, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I am not a person of faith any longer.

Just as God was patient with Abraham, He is patient with me.


Lord, thank you for your marvelous patience with me. Please continue to lead me in paths which will help develop my faith. Please help me to trust you more and even when I fail to live by faith, use my failures to help me grow.


Tracey said...

It seems these chapters were all about trusting in God. Its easy to trust God when you have some idea of the outcome. It's when we don't know and have no control that we have a hard time with our faith. We must know that we can always trust God no matter how bad or fearful the situation may be.

Anonymous said...

What if the outcome is not known as it was not for paul going to Rome or Noah building the ark? Noah had never seen rain much less a flood nor did he know anyone who had ever seen either rain or a flood yet in faith he did what made no sence to him. The same with Paul he did not see the advantage to the spread of the gospel by his going to Rome where he most asuradly would be murdered. yet in faith and obedisnce he like Noah did what they were asked and what a blessing their stories have been to me.

Pastor Bill said...

This is where the trust thing comes in. If we know how things are going to work wouldn't take faith.

God's Word says all things will work together for good for those who love God. But there are still plenty of unknowns.

This is what makes the Christian life so exciting and so scary.


Anonymous said...

Lk. 11: 29 "This is a wicked generation. It asks for a miracolous sign, but none is given it exceptt he sign of of jonah.

(O)servation: They so wanted to know GOD's will but were afraid that they might reach the wrong conclusion that they sought a sign that wht they were seeing was of GOD.

(A)pplication: Too often I read something and need to hear some one other than the HOLY SPIRIT tell me that what i have been taught is GOD's will for my life.

I need to rely on GoD's leading more and less on man's.
(P)rayer: FATHER ledt me spend more time in silence so that I may hear you more clearly. Give me the open ears I need to live in this confusing noisy world. Then FATHER give me the courage to live what I am learning. Amen