Monday, March 23, 2009

Mar 22 2009 Josh 12-14, 1 Cor 7

12Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said. Joshua 14:12

Caleb has every right to be be be satisfied with just sitting back and propping his feet up. After all, he was 85 years old, and had just come out of 40 years spent wandering in the wilderness and then five years of pretty intense fighting. The easiest thing for Caleb to do was retire and be content with life.

But Caleb is not content until he receives what he has been promised. For the last 45 years, Caleb has had a dream of living on a mountain.

Caleb wasn’t satisfied with where he was, he wanted a piece of the rock, he wanted the mountain. Forty five years earlier he had laid his eyes on this mountain and he never lost sight of it.

Too many people are willing to dwell in the low county.....too many children of God willing to settle for living in the valley.....too many of us content with being nominal Christians........too many of us dwell in mediocrity when God wants us to live on the Mountain.

Caleb wanted the mountain.....he wanted to be a little bit closer to heaven.


Thank you Lord that the dreams you place in my heart is a constant source of strength. I too want to live on the mountain.


Unknown said...

I would only add that Caleb was acting on God's promise. He knew that God kept His word and would do what He said. So God's faithfulness and Caleb's trust in God's Word should encourage us to go after God's promises, knowing that He that promised is faithful.

Anonymous said...

I would add that Caleb and Joshua had seen an entire generation die because of unbeleif. That generation included Moses, Aaron and Miriam. They had seen one rebellion after another with thousands dieing from the penalty. But not one thing that God had promised be it good or evil had not happened as it was promised.

Anonymous said...

As I read 1 Cor. 7:1 I knew that some would scratch their heads. After all since Paul was a member of the Sanhedrin he had to be a married man. As a strict Pharisee it is almost impossible to beleive that he was not a married man.

There was a Jewish law (tradition since God had not given it) that commanded that all adult males be married men. This left those men and woman who were not married as second class citizens.

There were also those that saw the sexual immorality of Corinth and decided it would would be best never to have sexual relations with anyone.

Paul would never under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit conterdicted himself. So when we read Romans 7: 2-4 and Ephesians
5: 22 - 32; I Timothy 4: 1 - 3; Hebrews 13: 4 we see the balance that Paul was trying to instill in this church of extremes.

They had each set up what was right and judged all others by their list of commandments.

Unknown said...

Has the Doing Life together stopped?? There haven't been any posts in a long time?