Friday, March 6, 2009

Mar 5 2009 Deut 1-2, Mark 12

Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. Mark 12:41-42

What an interesting place for our Lord to hang out, right across from the offering container. He had just spoken about being careful not to do acts of righteousness to be seen of men.

We know that the church was basically corrupt in Jesus day. The Scribes, Pharisees and other religious leaders were practically stealing the money from the people. I have often wondered why our Lord did not tell the widow to just keep her offering. She certainly needed more than they did.

I believe the Lord is teaching us that when we give, we give to Him. It is truly an act of worship. Once we give something to Jesus, it is His concern and not ours. I wonder what kind of offering from the rich would have been noticed by Jesus?


Lord, help me to trust you in every area of my life, especially my finances. It is all yours, even when it is in my pockets.


Anonymous said...

It seems as if Jesus had advansed warning of who would be waiting in a tree, of a funeral procession, a of a woman dying of a bleeding disorder and He knew in advance what questions they would ask Him.
So I wonder if the Holy Spirit that sent phillip down the road that the Eunach was ridding on told jesus be there at this time on this day.

Unknown said...

i know Monday and Tuesday lessons aren't posted, but I wondered if anyone can shed some light on the following Deut. 12:15-22 (is God saying that its fine to eat any meats that you desire? Is it saying that both Jew and gentile "the unclean and the clean shall eat of them alike"? And Deut.14:26? What is this "strong drink" that it is referring to, that is ok to drink?