Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan 30 2009 Ex 25-27, Acts 6

And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. Exodus 25:8

After God had delivered Israel from their four hundred years of Egyptian slavery,Moses had led them to Mount Sinai. While they were camped at the base of the mountain, God had given Moses the law, and along with it instructions for the building of the tabernacle.

As the Israelites were given the Ten Commandments, I am sure it must have brought conviction to their hearts. Isn’t that what the Law does; convict sinful hearts? But God doesn’t stop there. He immediately gives them the sanctuary; a place where they can go to find forgiveness and atonement. Isn't that and grace even in the Old Testament.

The reason stated for the sanctuary; “that I might dwell among them” has always implied that it was for God’s benefit. I suppose that is true, God wanted to be among His people. But since God is omniscient, the sanctuary had to be, at least to some extent, for Israel’s benefit. They knew very little about God, so God sets a schoolhouse in their midst so they can learn about him.

It seems to me that God doesn’t just want to work in my life; he wants to be in my life. Anywhere and everywhere I go, He wants me to know, He is there.

Israel didn’t ask God to dwell with them. God is the one who takes the initiative. All through the Bible I read about a God who is pursuing me!


Wow, a holy God living among unholy people! Thank you Lord that you are willing to be a part of my world. Why? So we can be together…here and more importantly…hereafter.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan 29 2009 Ex 23-24, Ps 14 Acts 5

Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. Exodus 23:9

The Exodus experience is one of grace, not of works. Hence the requirement to obey God comes out of this experience of grace. Israel had no idea how to live as a community. All they had ever experienced living in Egypt was oppression and now God laid down the ground-rules of how to live in this new community of grace.

As Israel lived according to these laws (yes, there are still laws when living under grace) they would certainly be noticed by others. God said they were to be to be His special people, “kingdom of priests and a holy nation”.

God has also delivered me out of the bondage of sin into an experience of grace. While some would say this new freedom means we are not subject to God’s laws and commands, it is quite the opposite.

God have invited me to be part of a new nation…a holy nation. As part of this new community, I have a responsibility to reflect His grace to others. When I forget His grace toward me, it is easy to be graceless to my neighbor.


Lord, thank you for your great deliverance from the bondage of sin. Please help me to remember that the only way to stay free is to live within your will for my life.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jan 28 2009 Ex 21-22, Ps 12 Acts 4

And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:31

Going through the Gospel of Luke recently we saw how much prayer was a part of Jesus life and certainly the secret of His power. It seems the Holy Spirit also wants us to notice that this same commitment to prayer existed in the early church.

What was the result? The place was shaken, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they proclaimed the Word of God with boldness.

Everyone wants a church on fire. So what do we do?
--We look to the worship service and ways to make it more moving.
--We look to the music and ways to spice it up.
--We look to the preaching and ways to make it more dramatic.

There is only one way that a church begins to burn with fire and it is when the people are on fire.

Prayer is what lights the fire!


O God, please light your people on fire and let it start with me!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jan 27 2009 Ex 17-20, Acts 3

Then Peter said, ‘‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk Acts 3:6

Peter probably had some silver and possibly even gold...But this crippled man had already been through this. He already had received silver and maybe some gold, but he was still lame. He was laid daily at the gate of the temple. And I read into this that this man was laid there everyday since he was a child.
What an interesting response Peter gave this man….but what I have I give you.

The question becomes…what do I have and am I willing to give it?
Peter had something...he had something far more powerful than money. And when I gave my heart to Jesus, I got a dose of what Peter had to offer this crippled man.

What does God want me to offer to the “lame” people in my world? I see three things: compassion, faith and Jesus.

Lord, they are everywhere. They become so much a part of my world that if I am not careful, I won’t even notice them. Please open my eyes to see these people who will be forever changed if I will just offer them what I have.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jan 26 2009 Ex 14-16, Acts 2

Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness. And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. Exodus 14:12-14

When the children of Israel left Egypt to enter into the life God called them to live, almost immediately they find themselves facing a major hurtle. They had come to the bank of the Red Sea and set up camp. Notice that they are in the will of God; they are following the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. Yet, the enemy pursues them and all of a sudden they were facing an impossible situation with no visible means of escape.

They had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Their only options seemed to be either get killed in battle or drown trying to swim across the sea. It looked as though they were boxed in and no matter what they did, where they turned, or what they contemplated, there appeared to be no way out. And guess what? They were right where God wanted them to be. They were in the perfect will of God and yet in His will their faith was being tested

The events of our lives do not happen by accident; God is in control of everything. When we face our own Red Sea, that place of overwhelming difficulty, we tend to believe that we must have done something wrong, made God mad and now He is dumping these problems on us. This is not the God of the Bible.He had a purpose in bringing the children of Israel to the Red Sea and he has a purpose for the Red Sea’s that I will face this week. When I face difficulties in life, God wants to accomplish two things: first, He wants to make known His glory to others and second, He wants to teach me to trust Him completely.


Lord, when I find myself facing my own Red Sea, please help not to panic and fall apart. In times of uncertainty and utter helplessness, let me realize these are opportunities to develop deeper thrust in you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jan 25 2009 Ex 12-13 Ps 21, Acts 1

Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. Exodus 12:15

It was the night that nobody in the land of Goshen was supposed to sleep. The children of Israel had watched the power of God expressed in the previous six plagues, but now the horror of the seventh and final plague was to bring freedom to God’s people.

With the coming of the Passover, the head of the house must cleanse his house of all leaven. For seven days no leaven was to be seen in his house. All in the house must eat of unleavened bread from the first day until the seventh day. Anyone found with leavened food in their houses was to be cut off from the congregation of Israel.

The Passover symbolized the freedom God wanted to give His people… but that feast was followed by six more days that focused on the fact that God’s kind of freedom required His people to REMOVE things from their lives and their homes.

Today, God continues to deliver people from the bondage of sin and sets them on a journey to the Promised Land. We need to be careful to remember that God is holy and everything associated with Him is also holy or sanctified.

For the people of God we should strive to remove all traces of leaven (sin) from our lives.


Lord, please help me to remember how holy you are. I admit there are times when I am tempted to think sin is not that big of deal. Open my eyes and my heart to see the truth.

Jan 24 2009 Ex 9-11 Luke 24

And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? Luke 24:32

Only a week before they had such high hopes; the long hoped-for deliverer had finally come. The teacher and leader they had revered, loved and followed had now been horribly put to death.

Now, without a leader and all hopes crushed, two of His disciples were already on their way home. As they made their weary way to Emmaus a stranger fell alongside them. They would later realize it was one of the most wonderful walks in history! We know, of course, that it was the risen Jesus, but somehow they didn’t recognize him. In fact Luke tells us "they were kept from recognizing him."

The stranger asked them, "What are you discussing together as you walk along?" And so they poured out their sad story to someone who seemed so willing to listen. How wonderfully kind and compassionate is our Lord. He could have scolded them for their lack of faith in him. The way that Jesus dealt with the situation is a lesson to all that are in a position to help those who have lost hope. Human hope is a fragile thing, and when it withers it’s difficult to revive.

The Christian life is not just about an intellectual knowledge of Christ. It also involves the heart. Discipleship is about experiencing Christ in our life. There are times when Jesus will come along side us for the purpose of bringing blessing.

The question is…how do I respond? Do I, like the disciples from Emmaus, welcome his initiative and let him minister to me or do I keep rehashing my disappointments and failed expectations.


Thank you for coming along side me in life when I need encouragement during difficult times. . Lord, please ignite a fire in my heart that will burn until you come.

Jan 23 2009 Ex 6-8 Luke 23

And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. Luke 23:33-34

So what is Jesus doing? Well, the answer is obvious, "Jesus is praying." But wait a minute, men don’t pray on crosses.
--We pray in gardens.
--We pray in church buildings & synagogues.
--We pray where we can get away from the noise & confusion of the world.

But we don’t pray on crosses; you curse on crosses, you scream on crosses; you cry on crosses, you experience pain on crosses. You certainly don’t pray to forgive others on crosses. And yet, that is exactly what Jesus did as He hangs suspended between heaven & earth, dying on the cross.

As I have been reading, observing and listening through this gospel I have been struck over and over again how prayer was a constant in the life of Jesus. He prayed at night, He prayed early in the morning, He prayed before important events, He prayed for direction, He prayed for others and He prayed for Himself. Jesus prayed so much and so often that His first response to any situation was to pray; even when He is being nailed to a cross.

God also wants me to be a person of prayer; not because I am a pastor or church leader, but because I am His child.


Father, please forgive me because I also don’t know what I am doing. Thank you for the example Jesus give to me about the importance of prayer.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jan 22 2009 Ex 3-5 Luke 22

Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. Exodus 3:6

Moses spent forty years in Egypt and now forty years have passed since he fled after killing the Egyptian. Now at the age 80 God speaks to him from the burning bush. As far as I can tell this is the first real encounter that Moses had with God. No doubt, Moses knew that God had preserved his life in a miraculous way and so now he is going to find out why.

I love the way God identifies himself in this passage; “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob”. It is no wonder that Moses hid his face and was afraid.

Why would God identify himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? The only conclusion I can come to is that God was telling Moses that He was the God of the impossible. As God is about to unfold His plan for Moses, Moses needed to keep in mind that his God could do anything.

It is important for me to remember that I serve the same God as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. What does that mean to me? God is inviting me to share in that same relationship as He had with these patriarchs.

Too often, I am tempted to think of my God as distant, detached and disinterested but really nothing could be further from the truth.


Lord, it is an awesome thing to realize that the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob is the same God that I have the privilege of calling my Father. Lord, thank you for reminding my who You are and how You have worked in the past.

Jan 21 2009 Ex 1-2 Ps 88 Luke 21

And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river’s brink. And his sister stood afar off, to wit what would be done to him. Exodus 2:3-4

This is a story about how God’s blessing can cause negative consequence for God’s people. God had blessed this single family of Israel (Jacob) to the extent that the land of Egypt was filled with them. Truly God’s promise to make a great nation was coming to pass.

This mighty blessing from God does not go unnoticed by Pharaoh and he becomes fearful that Israel will turn against him. So he decides to destroy all male newborns. When this unnamed woman gives birth to Moses she does everything she can to protect her child.

Who would believe in order to save his life she would have to abandon him to God?

I can hardly imagine what she went through trying to keep this baby a secret. Knowing if she failed, he would be killed. The stakes were so high that all of her energies were surely trained on this one task. I have no doubt that she would stop at nothing to preserve her child’s life. And yet, in order to keep this precious possession, she reaches a point when she must let go.

My name is Bill and I am a control-aholic. When the stakes are high, I have a hard time trusting other people. And yes, even though it is hard to admit, there are times when I have a hard time trusting God. What I sense God is saying to me through this story is that there comes a time when we all have to turn our problems over to Him.

The text says it was “when she could no longer hide him” that she put this plan in place to commit this child to the Lord. I sincerely hope I can learn when it is that my problems are too big for me.


Thank you Lord, that when I reach the end of my resources you are ready to handle anything that I am willing to commit to you.

Jan 20 2009 Gen 49-50, Ps 8 Luke 20

And when Joseph’s brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, Joseph will peradventure hate us, and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him Genesis 50:15

Now that their father is dead, what would be stopping Joseph from enacting some extreme form of payback? I am sure they remembered very well how their uncle, Esau at one point, wanted to kill his brother Jacob, who was their father, for an offense far less than what they had done. So based on their family history, it wasn’t out of the question that Joseph might now want to kill them.So they send word that their dad had left a message for Joseph before he died. His message: forgive your brothers. Joseph cried when he heard it.

Joseph’s life is an example of how God can bring healing to the deep wounds of our lives. Somehow Joseph made it. After all he’d been through, after all the hurt, after all the betrayal and unfair treatment; Joseph found healing.

This story speaks to me about the importance of not becoming bitter; which is much easier said than done. Deep wounds will never heal if I allow myself to become bitter. When I am bitter, I want to spread the hurt around especially to the one who hurt me.

I really like what Joseph says in response to them, “for am I in the place of God?”. God is reminding me that he is the one who settles all wrongs.

Lord, thank you for this incredible story of how we should forgive. When I am given the opportunity to provide payback to someone who has hurt me, lead me instead, to extend forgiveness

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 19 2009 Gen 47-48, Ps 10 Luke 19

And, behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way

Luke 19:2-4

In these verses we read about a man named Zaccheus. Zaccheus had everything most people would want in life; position, power and money. But with these things also came a problem.

The problem was he was an outcast of society. Why was he an outcast, because he was tax-collector. It was felt that he was betraying his countrymen and cooperating with the Romans. In the Gospels, when tax collectors were mentioned, they were mentioned together with "sinners" and "prostitutes". It wasn’t just his stature that caused people to look down upon him.

So often in my life I think I know what will make me happy only to find out when I get it, it doesn’t. Zaccheus may have had money and power but what he and every other person needs is acceptance, forgiveness and fulfillment

Zaacheus was born for something great. His name meant “righteous one”. The entire time he was away from God, he was a walking contradiction. I too believe I was created for some great purpose and until I come to Christ on His terms, I will never live up to my name.

Lord, I believe I was created and destined for some great purpose. Having taken the name of Christian, my prayer is that I will never be a walking contradiction.

Jan 18 2009 Gen 44-46, Luke 18

Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant abide instead of the lad a bondman to my lord; and let the lad go up with his brethren. For how shall I go up to my father, and the lad be not with me? lest peradventure I see the evil that shall come on my father. Genesis 44:33-34

Do you actually realize who it is that is talking here? This is Judah…the same guy who twenty years earlier said “Here comes the dreamer, let’s kill him” But now some twenty years later we find him pleading on behalf of his little brother Benjamin.

But wait there is more…now he is pleading for his dad too!
What a turnaround…repentance had come to the hearts of Joseph brother and the result is almost unbelievable!

Throughout the entire story we see the recurring theme, “The Lord was with Joseph” and indeed he was. But the Lord was also working in the hearts of others as well.

What an incredible change that takes place in the life a person who is willing to repent. I believe God is showing me that he wants to work in everyone’s life. It is not just the heroes of the faith, but He wants to change anyone and everyone.

This is a great illustration of how thoroughly God can change me, if I will repent.

Lord, I so desperately want to change and be a better person. There are times I wonder is it really possible to change? Thank you for this example that gives me hope.

Apologies for not posting

I have been attending a convention for the last several days and havent had access to the internet.

I will be posting today and tomorrow.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jan 17 2009 Gen 42-43, Ps 5 Luke 17

And Joseph saw his brethren, and he knew them, but made himself strange unto them, and spake
roughly unto them; and he said unto them, Whence come ye? And they said, From the land of Canaan to buy food. Genesis 42:7

Famine has stricken Israel and Jacob sends his sons to Egypt to purchase food. Famines seem to play an interesting role throughout the book of Genesis. Anyway, as they arrive in Egypt, they are brought before Joseph. He recognizes them, but he hides his identity from them.

Why? He is not angry with them nor does he seem to hold a grudge. Why would he hide his identity?

Many people see Joseph having some fun with his brothers in a sort of revenge, or pay back for what they had done to him as a boy. In fact, I believe Joseph is trying to find out if his brothers have faced up to what they had done and were now different people.

In the next few chapters we see Joseph’s attempts not only to find out whether or not repentance has happened, but its depth and whether the repentance has had an impact on their character.

It brings to my mind the concept of repentance and restoration. In order for my relationship with God, which was broken by my sin, to be restored – I must repent.

Lord, I am so thankful that even though I have messed up and sinned, you continue to lead me to repent and change my life. Thank you that you are a forgiving God.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jan 16 2009 Gen 39-41, Luke 16

And Joseph’s master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king’s prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison. But the LORD was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison. Genesis 39:20-21

The favored son had become a slave. The betrayed, abandoned brother was thrown into a totally foreign culture and condition. He rose in prominence, only to be falsely accused. He lands here, in prison for years and years.

So, he waits. Sitting and contemplating what he believed to be God’s future and God’s desire for his life. But one which wasn’t coming about!

I don’t like waiting, I am pretty sure no one does. But it is a part of life and it is a part of the Christian life.

God has waiting rooms. Even though I don’t like it, from time to time I find myself in one of them. It is in these waiting times that I am tempted to think God has left me alone while he is busy doing something else. I need to remember that just as Joseph had to wait, in prison no less, God was still with him.

No, I definitely don’t like waiting, but it helps to know that when I wait, I don’t wait alone. God keeps me company.


Lord, I still don’t understand why you make me wait from time to time. I suppose it is ultimately for my benefit. When I have to wait, thank you for waiting with me.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jan 15 2009 Gen 37-38, Ps 7, Luke 15

And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! Luke 15:17

There is no other story in the Bible that speaks so clearly the truth about sin. This is a story about a son who goes to his father and asks for his inheritance so he can leave and go live his life as his own terms. The father complies and the son is out the door.

He is living his dream; no one to answer to and living only as he pleases. Everything seems fine for awhile until a famine strikes, his money runs and he is faced with difficult times.

To survive, he takes a job feeding pigs. For a Jew there could nothing lower than this. It is here that he begins to realize things were so bad back in his fathers house.

This story reminds me that I am not myself when I am not walking with God. When I chose to leave him; for an hour, a day or a lifetime, I will never be who I was created to be.

Sometimes I might be tempted to think that living in the “far country” is where the action is, but true freedom and happiness comes from being apart of the household of faith.

It is sad that too many have to leave to appreciate what they already had.


Lord, thank you that even when I run, your sprit will always look for opportunities to bring me to my senses. Help me to realize that what the world offers is nothing compared to what you freely give to me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan 14 2009 Gen 34-36, Luke 14

And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:27

Great crowds were following Jesus, I suppose just as there are today. As Jesus looked upon these people, He began to teach them about taking the next step, becoming a disciple.

When Jesus began to talk about bearing a cross, everyone present was familiar with what Jesus was saying. The cross was a cruel form of punishment used by the Romans. The criminal was forced to "carry his cross" to the place of execution. Everyone knew that this person was saying "goodbye" to everything. There would be no turning or coming back.

Jesus uses this vivid illustration with the intent of showing us that following him requires that same kind of saying "goodbye" to our own will and desires because of our commitment to Him.

Three times in the course of this message in Luke, Jesus uses the phrase, “cannot be my disciple.” In other words, Jesus is laying out some absolute prerequisites for discipleship.

I believe what Jesus is saying about this whole cross thing is simply this…when you get to the point in your experience when that cross is laid upon you...there is absolutely no turning back. You have accepted the reality that to this world you are dead and all you have to look forward to is the next life. I suppose it is only then that I really begin to live with the values and priorities that are pleasing to God.

Until that cross is laid upon me, I will never really be able to let go of everything else.


Lord, it is clear that what you are trying to teach me is really quite simple; it is either all or nothing. Lord, help me to love you wholly, completely and unreservedly.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jan 13 2009 Gen 31-33, Luke 13

And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men. .Genesis 33:1

In Genesis 32 we find Jacob preparing to meet his brother Esau. And how scared Jacob had to be! He had tricked his brother Esau and deceived him. He had received the birthright that rightfully belonged to Esau. And after getting what he wanted, he fled! He knew when Esau found out, he would kill him.

Now many years have passed and Jacob was returning home at the Lord’s urging. It couldn’t have been a relaxing trip, I am sure all along he kept thinking, “what is Esau going to do?”

Jacob is preparing for the worse.

Many of us live in fear in our daily lives because of our past sins. Many of us have been frozen by our past sins against someone or even more so, a past sin someone has committed against us. Then our God who has promised to guide our lives begins to lead us right where we don’t want to go.

How often do I imagine the worse? I give God no credit for the fact that He can heal those wounds and can fix the problem. Because of my unbelief, I choose to remain in hiding.
Many times in my life God asks me to do something that I really don’t want to do. But He knows until I deal with my past, I cannot move forward. Rather than finding my destruction, I find healing and forgiveness.


Lord, thank you that everything you do in my life is for a purpose and ultimately for my good.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jan 12 2009 Gen 29-30, Luke 12

Then Jacob went on his journey, and came into the land of the people of the east. And he looked, and behold a well in the field, and, lo, there were three flocks of sheep lying by it; for out of that well they watered the flocks: and a great stone was upon the well’s mouth Genesis 29:1-2

For all of its simplicity this passage is another example of how God can take the broken lives we bring to him to bring about his purposes. After the Bethel experience, it’s here that we see God beginning to do a great work in Jacob’s life.

As Jacob continues his journey, he did the walking, but God did the leading and Jacob ended up precisely at the right spot. He finds a field with a well in it and pulls in for directions only to find out that he’s exactly where he needed to be. Someone else might call that a coincidence – I would call it providence. Jacob has now travelled some 400 miles for 10 days to arrive at this specific well.

Now notice God’s timing…verse 9 says…And while he yet spake with them, Rachel came with her father’s sheep. Again one could say it was a coincidence – and I would counter that it’s providence.

Jacob had agreed to let God run his life and now He was doing it.

It shouldn’t surprise us. God’s timing and direction were perfect for Abraham’s servant back in chapter 24 of Genesis and its perfect when Ruth shows up in Boaz’s field, and his timing is perfect in his plans for our lives even when we don’t know it.
It’s in Jacob’s story and struggle that I find a parable of my own life. The drama of this patriarch’s transformation from deceitful schemer to humbled servant of God was just as painful for him as my own transformation is for me.

For a man who was used to doing things his way, learning to trust in God wasn’t automatic for Jacob and it isn’t automatic for me either. Through this story, God reminds me his timing and direction is not only better than mine, it is perfect.


Wow, what a difference the Lord can make. Not just a change, but a total transformation. How encouraging it must have been for Jacob to sense your guiding him. Lord, please allow me to see that same thing in my life.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jan 11 2009 Gen 27-28, Ps 4, Luke 11

And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. Genesis 28:11

As this account begins…Jacob is alone. Apparently no one is with him. Where is his family? Where are his servants? Where are the donkeys? That’s what happens when you run…you are alone.

Jacob is on the run from his broken relationships- His father must be angry and disappointed at being deceived- His mother must be worried about his safety and security- His brother wants him dead.How ironic…he got everything he wanted…the firstborn’s inheritance and the family blessing – but he can’t go home to claim it or fulfill it.He stops for the night, and the only comfort he can find is a rock for a pillow. Jacob is out in the middle of nowhere, unsure of how anything he’s ever wanted to come true in his future will ever happen. He’s had all these dreams and passions, all this ambition and zeal – and now, he’s on the run with only his questions, his worries, his doubt and his despair to comfort him.

He lays down his head, closes his eyes, and as best as we can tell, God speaks to him for the first time in his life.

How many time have I found myself right where Jacob is. Alone, scared, unsure of the future and not very proud of the past.

It is in times like this…when we come to our “certain place”…that God comes to us. When I am at rock bottom…I always find God. He is there to remind me—
--I am not alone
--He will keep His promises
--He will guide me and protect me

And most importantly…He will never give up on me.

Lord, thank you I can never run so far that you are not there. There are many times in life when I make a mess of things. When all other relationships are broken, I am thankful when I need you most, you are there.

Jan 10 2009 Gen 25-26, Ps 6, Luke 10

And the men of the place asked him of his wife; and he said, She is my sister: for he feared to say, She is my wife; lest, said he, the men of the place should kill me for Rebekah; because she was fair to look upon. Genesis 26:7

The similarities between what I’ve seen Abraham do in the past, and what I see Isaac doing here are amazing.

So Isaac, like Abraham, received God’s great promise of blessing and protection. Another famine hits the Promised Land and Isaac decides to go south toward Egypt. He probably would have made it that is until God stopped him. So he stays in Gerar and just like his Dad fearing for his life, he deceives Abimelech and lies about his relationship with his wife.

“Like father, like son" is a saying that we are all familiar with and it certainly applies to this situation. Isaac had the same unjustified fear and deceptive reaction as Abraham did decades earlier.

This similarity should not surprise us or cause us to doubt the truth of this Bible passage. If we know anything about life it is that children are likely to make the same mistakes as their parents.
What bothers me the most about this story, and Abrahams for that matter, is immediately after Isaac’s sin was discovered and rebuked the Bible reports that he was supernaturally blessed.

Why can this be? It is confusing and disturbing. Why? Because deep down I want to believe that God blesses those who deserve it and those who sin don’t deserve it. This and many other passages of Scripture show me that this belief is often wrong. God doesn’t bless me because I deserve it but because of his love, mercy, and grace.

Under the law I would be treated as my sins deserve but under grace He does not treat me as our sins deserve.


Lord, You are truly amazing. Continue to teach me more and more of Your mercy and grace. Thank you for Your rich blessing in my life and help me never to forget the reason you bless so much is not because of me, but because of You.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Jan 9 2009 Gen 23-24, Luke 9

And they called Rebekah, and said unto her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go. Genesis 24:58

This is the account of Abraham sending out his servant to find a bride for his son, Isaac. Abraham is near death but he still remembers the promise of God that his descendants would become a great nation, as numerous as the stars. Abraham knew that Isaac’s wife would be a big part of that promise. Abraham therefore sends his most faithful servant to fulfill the task.

Until the stranger had come to town, Rebekah would have been living her life without any expectation of what was about to happen to her. Suddenly a man walks into town, and he tells her how God has led him to ask her to be the bride of the son of the one who sent him. So she is asked to make the decision.

I love her response. There is no sense of hesitation, just a simple, “I will go”.

What’s really amazing in this story is to see how God works weeks and even months ahead orchestrating events and circumstances to bring about His plan. And yet everything still hangs upon our decision.

The Christian life is not just about doing right and not doing wrong. Rebekah’s decision was not a moral one. She could have said no and it not necessarily be a sign of disobedience, but look at what it would have cost her.

This story tells us that God is at work in my life in amazing ways. He puts before me opportunities to be a part of His great plan and in the process He will bring tremendous blessing to me…if I am willing to take the risk.


Lord, help me to look for you working in my life. I want to see the opportunities that you bring to me which will ultimately serve Your will. Thank you that you are a God who still works in amazing ways.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jan 8 2009 Gen 20-22, Luke 8

And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah. Genesis 20:2

The Bible tells us that Abraham was a great man of faith. In Hebrews 11, that great chapter of faith, Abraham is the star attraction. He is held up throughout scripture as an example of what it means to be a person of faith.

But, then we read this story from Genesis 20…Abraham leads his flocks into the southern part of Canaan into the realm of a man named Abimelech, the King of Gerar.

Now, apparently Kings of that day had developed a certain reputation: If a woman was attractive to them, the King would take them into their harem. And – if that woman happened to be married - she wouldn’t be married long. Her husband would die… and then she’d be taken into the King’s harem.
Abraham was aware of this tradition had no desire to allow that to happen. He had no problem with Sarah becoming a part of the King’s harem… he was just not in any hurry to die. So Abraham decides to lie about his relationship with his wife. He would let it be known that she was not his wife, but his sister.

Now, this wasn’t the first time this had happened to Abraham. A couple of years or so before this Abraham traveled down to Egypt because of a famine. He passed his wife off as his sister. The Pharaoh took Sarah into his harem. And God paid Pharaoh a visit and afflicted his household with disease.
So here we have it. What a great example of faith. Not once, but twice, Abraham is faced with a difficult decision and makes the same bad decision both times.
It seems to me that God uses even our failures…especially our failures…to grow and develop our faith.

Why in the world does God point to this guy as an example of faith? And if this is just a temporary lapse on Abraham’s part, why would God go out of His way to record this failure for all to read?

I believe there is something here that God wants me to see. Faith doesn’t just happen; faith is a journey. Faith is something we learn over a long period of time.
God teaches me faith by putting me in the midst of situations where I have to make difficult decisions; where I have to decide whether to trust Him or my own wisdom.

Here is my take-away from this story. If faith is a process and doesn’t just come over me instantaneously. Then the opposite must also be true. When I fail to act in faith, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I am not a person of faith any longer.

Just as God was patient with Abraham, He is patient with me.


Lord, thank you for your marvelous patience with me. Please continue to lead me in paths which will help develop my faith. Please help me to trust you more and even when I fail to live by faith, use my failures to help me grow.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jan 7 2009 Gen 18-19, Ps 3, Luke 7

Is any thing too hard for the LORD? Genesis 18:14

It has been many, many years since God had first promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. The promise that had surely brought joy and hope to their hearts, no doubt as time passed also brought some stress and anxiousness. With every passing day, they must have believed less and less that it would actually happen.

I am not sure about Abraham but it seems clear from this passage that Sarah didn’t believe anymore. It’s not that she didn’t want to believe God, she just knew better. She knew her body. She knew it was not possible for her to conceive and even if by some miracle she could, how could she possibly carry the child, not to mention deliver it.

She had to be thinking…God means well, but I know better.

The question that I keep asking through this entire story is why did God make them wait so long. He knew when Isaac would be born, so why not just appear to them right before they were to have a child? Why did He have to tease them for so long before it was time?

I hate to wait and when I am force to, I don’t do it well. So why does God make me wait? It’s one thing to have to wait on slow people, but I have a hard time thinking about God being slow.

The only conclusion I can come to is that it is for my benefit. In some way waiting is good for me. (I can just imagine my wife throwing this back at me the next time I am waiting on her for something). The scriptures are filled with references about waiting on the Lord.

I guess it is all about timing. There is a right time for everything and I must trust God not only knows what is best, but also knows when is best.


Lord, this is an area that I really need your help. I don’t like to wait on anything or anyone…including you. I believe the lesson you are trying to teach me is simple. Faith waits. Lord, help me to learn this lesson….quickly!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jan 6 2009 Gen 15-17 Luke 6

And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Luke 6:46

By this time in His ministry, huge crowds are following Jesus. He has become famous and well known throughout the entire region. People are coming even from great distances to see Him. It makes me wonder why. What is it about him that is drawing all these people?

Up to this point, Luke has devoted much of his gospel to describing Jesus interaction with people. He describes in detail, great numbers of people set free from evil spirits and healed from sickness. Maybe that is what drew these people. They saw in Jesus a deliverer from oppression and disease,

But Jesus wants to be more than that. Yes, He came to be a Savior, but He also came to change how people lived. Jesus tries to convey a very simple but profound truth; being a Christian is not just about what we believe, it is also about what we do.

Jesus is reminding me that the true evidence of conversion and faith in Christ is the way I live my life and not just the label I carry.

Jesus says,”Why call me Lord and do not the things which I say?” My immediate answer to His question is “what things” are you talking about? If I look to the verses preceding this statement, I find a rather surprising answer.

Jesus isn’t talking about my tithe, my attendance at church, or even my devotional life. He’s talking about how I treat others. What does my treatment of others have to do with my relationship with God? According to Jesus; everything.

I wonder…if we lived this creed of treating others as Jesus would, we would find we wouldn’t have to “do” evangelism.


Lord, thank you for showing me what the real fruit of the Christian life is. I know too often I get caught up with beliefs and doctrines and other religious stuff. All that you command me to do in this passage is exactly how you lived your life. Help me to model my life after yours.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Jan 5, 2009 Gen 12-14 Luke 5

And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land. Genesis 12:10

After hearing God’s voice, Abram left his home, family and all that he knew to follow God. Up until this moment in his life, Abram has been a model of what a believer should be. He had passed every test with flying colors.

He finally arrived in the land of Canaan to the very place God had promised him and what does he find? Not a land flowing with milk and honey, but a land in a severe famine. Can you imagine what Abram thought as he realized that the land that the Lord promised to him would not be able to feed him and his family?

Faced with the uncertainty of the future, Abram decides to take matters into his own hands. He leaves the promised land and goes to Egypt.

How many times have I stepped out in faith and when I got to where God was leading I begin to question God’s will. Where did I ever get the notion that being in the center of God’s will means that I will not face challenging circumstances?

Everything in the Christian life is about faith. It starts with faith, continues in faith and will end with faith. Yesterday’s faith will never be enough to get through me today.


Lord, I am often prone when facing difficulties to go from faith to fear. It is then when I usually take back control of my life…which always leads to more trouble. Lord, grow my faith and trust in You so when trouble comes, I run to you rather than away from You.

Jan 4, 2009 Gen 9-11 Luke 4

And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. Genesis 9:11

God, the creator and sustainer of all life had just destroyed every living creature upon the earth except for those few which were aboard the ark. Noah and his family had been spared but everything else they had known was gone.

Noah had seen a side of God that might have been a little hard understand. I wonder what He was thinking. Was he scared? Was he afraid God might destroy the earth again; only this time his family included?

God must have sensed the uncertainty within Noah. He could have used this to His advantage and left Noah and his family in doubt wondering what God would do if they ever disobeyed Him. But instead God made a promise which was offered to bring peace and security.

Who are we to have God promise anything to us? And yet, His Word is filled with promises. It is certainly not for His benefit, but for ours.

God knows my doubts, my concerns and my fears. All of these are based on the fact that I don’t know the future. So, the One who knows the end from the beginning chooses to fill His Word with promises to me.

God’s Word is not for His benefit but for ours. He could have remained silent, but He didn’t. Through His Word, God promises protection, direction, blessing, companionship and salvation just to name a few.

Life might be uncertain, but God is not!


Lord, thank you for your exceedingly great and precious promises in Your Word. When I am anxious and fearful, please bring to my remembrance that very promise You made which will best give me peace.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jan 3, 2009 Gen 6-8 Luke 3

And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. Genesis 6:6-9

Wow! How quickly sin changes things. Sin changes everything. Just two chapters earlier, God exclaimed everything was good, in fact He said it was very good. Here in this passage, the goodness of man and creation is gone. If there is anywhere in the scriptures where we can get a sense of what sin does and how God really feels about it, it is here.

God is disappointed. I can hardly grasped that concept…God is actually grieved by the very part of creation that was designed to bring Him great joy. But even in His disappointment, God still looks for someone He can walk with.

Noah, no doubt gave God hope that man was worth saving.

I need to remember that it is possible for me to grieve the heart of God. This truth also means He must love me deeply.

Even though I live in a wicked and perverse world and everyone else is doing evil, it is no excuse for my disobedience. God is still looking for people who will walk with Him.

If Noah could find grace, so can I.


Lord, it is so easy to get caught up in the ways of the world. So often I am tempted to look at what others are doing and think; if they are doing it, then it is okay for me to do it. Please Lord; help me to walk in the ways of righteousness.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Jan 2, 2009 Gen 3,4 Luke 2

And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.” Genesis 3:8-10

Everything was perfect. Adam and Eve had everything they needed to be happy and fulfilled. This day started out like any other day and it would have ended like any other day, if only…

But they chose to sin. Sin is always a choice. Sin is usually a secret thing, but everyone knew about this sin; Adam, Eve, the devil and God.

God was in the habit of spending face time with Adam and Eve in the evening and even though He knew what had happened, He still came.

God wants to spend time with me, even when I mess up.

When I sin, I avoid God and hide.
When I sin, I neglect reading my Bible.
When I sin, I put off praying.
But God wants to talk!

When I do something I am not proud of I am tempted to think, "Surely God won’t want to talk with me today. What if He finds out what I’ve done?” Then I remember, He already knows!

It is at these times, when I have messed up that we really need to talk.


Lord, I don’t want to play hide and seek. But when I do, please come looking.