Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mar 1 2009 Num 28-29, Mark 8

But when He had turned around and looked at His disciples, He rebuked Peter, saying, Get behind Me, Satan! For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men. Mark 8:33

Jesus had just asked his disciples about what others were saying about him. And after hearing a few responses, Jesus ask them, what they believed about him. Peter answered, “You are the Christ.”

Jesus then tried to help them understand what that meant. But they resisted acknowledging the truth of what Jesus said. After rebuking Peter, Jesus makes a very interesting observation…”You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."

It would seem that Peter had the right answer, but he had no idea what it meant.

Here are my takeaways from the story.

First, we are more self-centered than we realize and second, when we aren’t doing God’s work, we are doing Satan’s work!
What else can I say?

Lord, please help me never to get in front of you but always safely behind you where I can follow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Num. 28:7 Can you shed some light on the "strong drink" and wine used here?