Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mar 10 2009 Deut 13-15, Gal 1

I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel. Galatians 1:6

After a brief salutation, Paul gives his reason for writing. He is concerned about false teachers perverting the gospel. He had carefully preached the truth in Galatia. Now he was grieved that the truth was being corrupted.
Something interesting is being said. The gospel stands alone; for it is truth. To change or take away from the gospel is not possible for it to remain the gospel. To do so, makes “another” gospel.

The word marvel means to be astonished, astounded or bewildered. His astonishment was not at the false teachers, but at the church. He was not surprised that there were false teachers; he was surprised that the church was FOLLOWING them.

Paul had expected false teachers and his writings constantly sound the alarm. So he expected false teachers, he just didn’t expect the church to follow them. The Galatians had been taught by the greatest teacher the church has ever known apart from the Lord Himself; yet they readily rejected the truth in favor of error.


Lord help me to be grounded and firmly planted in the Gospel of Jesus.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What if we live another gospel and don't terach anyone the gospel we live by?